
We have collected a number of resources that relate to topics such as health equity, data, communication, and visualizations. These resources may be helpful to you in your work, but please note that they have not been specifically designed for public health professionals and may not meet the quality standards used to review our list of selected trainings.

Highlights provide curated recommendations for where to get started within a given resource.

Social Determinants of Health and Health Equity

Good Governance: Building health equity into governance

Learn how policy has contributed to health inequities and can be used to achieve greater health equity in the future.


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Tools for Putting Social Determinants of Health into Action

The CDC provides a collection of tools and resources to help public health practitioners address the social determinants of health inequity.


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Visualizing and Analyzing Data

An Illustrated Guide to Data Literacy

Data Literacy provides a three-part comic series to explain data and statistical concepts.


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Making Data Talk: A Workbook

This free downloadable PDF or printed workbook helps public health practitioners communicate health data to a variety of audiences.


  • Help lay audiences understand your data (p. 10)
  • Present data effectively (p. 16)

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Racial Equity Data Lab

Learn how to create visualizations to support racial equity in Tableau using templates and step-by-step instructions.


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Urban Indian Health Institute Resources

Search webinars, fact sheets, presentations, trainings, and more from the Urban Indian Health Institute.


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Data Literacy for All

This Tableau training series—available with a free account—teaches the basics of data, statistics, and data visualization regardless of whether you use Tableau software.


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Community Engagement

Preventing Suicide: A Community Engagement Toolkit

Learn specific steps to foster community engagement in addressing and preventing suicide.

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Drug Overdose Deaths in the United States Dashboard

This dashboard features a county-level map of drug overdose-related deaths in the U.S. that users can overlay with data about social determinants of health.


  • County-specific profiles for drug overdose deaths, social determinants of health, and demographics across the country

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Rural Data Explorer

Users can view, download, and compare data for health disparities, health workforce, healthcare access, and other social determinants of health by county and state.

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Data Sources

Social Weather Data Sources Database

Search an extensive list of data sources related to community well-being that can be filtered by geography, age group, and data topic.

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Public Health Practice

Action Center

County Health Rankings and Roadmaps provides step-by-step resources to help communities use data to take action and improve their health.


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Community Health Assessment & Health Improvement Planning

The CDC provides resources and tools—including for how to incorporate data—to help state, local, and Tribal health departments craft their community health assessments and community health improvement plans.


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Your Journey to Evidence-Informed Decision Making in Public Health

Search for training resources, including videos, modules, and workshops; and tools, such as benchmarking guides, budget planning, and assessments, to support evidence-based decision making in public health practice.


  • Training
  • Tools
  • Knowledge repositories

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